酱紫 Hanna Violet 酱紫

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I don’t have a title yet

I want to make a new bed and bread club
Many folks have an extra bed and extra bread
But don't have the time to go out and deliver it
If you have space and someone has need
We all have a need for company.
If you have a need
Just ask me
I'll do my best to deliver
Or at least point you in the right direction
I can't do it all
But I'll do what I can
To make the world around me a bit brighter
To make your hearts jus a little bit lighter
Act now or forever
Hold your peace
Your piece of reality
Your piece of the pie
Your piece of life
What will you do with what you've got?
I'd like to serve
I don't like to wait
I've been waiting for far too long
I've been waiting forever
I've been waiting my whole life
I'm tired of waiting on who I could be
Instead I'll just be
I just want to be me
And I just want to serve
I just want to serve
Am I real?
Am I like the other people?
Why am I not like the other people?
Nobody is like anybody else.
Each of us is unique in some way if we
Choose to believe that.
We each have our own spark that nobody else can imitate
Nobody else knows what I know about something
If I don't tell my stories they will die with me
I saw a temple floating above a waterfall
But in real life
In China on a mountain
In some suburb of a city I had never heard of before
Called ShiJiaZhuang
And now I'll never forget it
Because in ShiJiaZhuang we invented the Flippo.
A little blue plastic tab
A keycard to enter a neighborhood or unlock a neighborhood mailbox.
I think this one was for our door
But it was a raindrop shape
And dark blue
We tossed it in the air and watched as it landed on the ground
The tip of raindrop pointed North
So we walked North
We walked until we hit a dead end. We flipped it again and it pointed us West.
We walked West until we hit something interesting.
A chua'er restaurant - outdoors and rowdy. Not a waiguoren in sight.
We sit down and they laugh at us
We say we want meat and lots of it.
I was a vegetarian...
But not this night.
This night meat was the only option on the menu
And it would come on a stick, perhaps with a hoof.
We might have some dried green beans after the meal if we're lucky.
They fed us and they fed us well and when people started harassing us for our contact info, the hostess moved us inside and fed us even weller.
And then we flipped the FlipPo and it pointed us East
So east we went out the door and we flipped the Flippo and it said to go back West.
And so we turned around and went back towards the entrance.
And a man was running out with extra bags of food.
And said we had forgot some of what we paid for.
So we took the unexpected bounty
And flipped the Flippo into the heart of the city, through unknown parks and past unnamed monuments.
We gave the food to someone along the way
Or perhaps someone ate it
But regardless it was gone when the Flippo delivered us safely back
To the indistinguishable skyscraper that happened to contain the airbnb these French folks found somehow
We flipped it one last time and it confirmed
Head straight to bed, folks
You've seen what you must.
You know what to do.
Make the world better and trust
The path is guiding you.