酱紫 Hanna Violet 酱紫

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Weird Can’t Sleep Question:

that day I hit my head on a mountain, was I the same before and after?

you knew me best.

shannon too? curt?

did I forget something?

I think my hearing got worse

well, maybe i’ve always had a hard time hearing

that’s why i talk too loud

things sound differently in my head

that’s why i like step dancing

rhythms low and close to my body so i can feel

the vibrations

it’s why i like sign language

i can see quite well

but my ears they struggle

and I hear a sound like electricity

all the time

I can hear if the tv is on in the other room

so maybe it’s not that i’m hard of hearing…

it’s just that the world is too loud

and I sometimes feel

like I need to shout to be heard

im so small

barely five feet tall

I dropped below 100 lbs the other day

even though i try to eat more fat

i went from vegetarian to carnivore

(plus veg rice and some fruit

and of course treats)

and maybe my body is going into

ketosis as I make the

appetite transition

though I felt better in Beijing


sometimes I felt like I was seeking a cheap thrill

I was looking for time to kill

i was dancing my nights away

and spending saturday mornings kickboxing

in the forest near the Temple of Heaven

those perfectly aligned pines guided my feet

back to the excessively packed subway line 5 the yellow one

for the 45 minute ride with one transfer to my station

and it only cost a few kuai.

and got some kickass people watching done

along the way

and had my bag checked at every entrance

by a herd of security guards

but i dont got nothing to hide

so i glide on by

and hop on the train near the ancient bell tower

my landmark guiding me home

right near


with the bridges


and lights

and those red candied fruit sticks 🌹🍬

I’m gonna eat more rice.

I think I forgot something important.

I hope everyone out there is feeling happy tonight.

and hopefully most people are sleeping

except I know people like chef Mike

at the SA detroit harbor light house

who sometimes get to work at 3:45

on thanksgiving morning to help


a hot thanksgiving feast

for 3000 people in the streets.

I’ll try to get there at 7

we gotta make mashed potatoes for 3000 genuinely hungry people and only a miracle will do it.

in shallah