Quarantine Exploration V 1

Being isolated from others does strange things to the brain.  In this period of several months, I did not unconsciously touch another human. My mom tried to steal a few hugs   and I agonizingly pulled away in fear from the one thing I wanted most. More than anything I wanted to share a drink with my sister or hold her arm while we walked. But instead, we kept six feet apart. I had many meaningful interactions with my loved ones, but only from a distance. My quality time with my heart’s desire was at the whims of the  internet and electricity outages. In the most literal way, in the end, I only had  myself

… And So I had some fun playing with video editing software.

I like the middle of this one
It snowed in the middle of April!

You are worth loving

I hope this doesn't give you a headache.



I am worth loving


everybody love everybody

featuring tavey lean and a leopard frog
exploration is a better word.

you are a person too

Wave form ending; rowing; ceasing; ceaselessly moving forward; arching; aching; painstakingly taking each breath a release; a cry for help; a moan; I weep I ...

Love yourself

like you love others


Thank you for joining me