CONFESSIONS of an Austrian wannabe princess

“Write here…” it says.

write here.

Right here.

Did you know I’m a time traveler?

Just kidding I like to tell silly stories

Like my dad did

And I’m sure his dad did before him

I should ask my dad more about what his dad was like

He was surely a good man

Same with my mom’s dad

Same with my husband.

Good men in my life and I am grateful.

Good women too

Good humans of all kinds

I love all the people in my life

Even those who have drifted out of it

For whatever reason

Bad blood

Is so 2020

I’m done with bad blood

If you’re reading this and you think I hate you

You’re wrong

I don’t hate anyone tonight

I have felt hate

I have felt rage

I put my hand in the fire

And I felt the pain

And I came through stronger

I am a brave lioness

And I’m not ashamed to say

I love my family

And I love my neighbors

I love my friends

I love the people who make the world better

The people who make the world safer



More peaceful

I’m a 2022 hippie.

My mom grew up in the 60s and 70s around Detroit, Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor

What do you expect??

Mein Vater kommt aus Österreich in der Nähe von München und Innsbruck. Schloß Neuschwanstein ist nicht weit 🏰🏯

Sein Heim ist ganz schön 😻 und das Dorf ist sehr klein: Nur ein tausend-halb Menschen.

(oder NeuSCHWANKstein am I right?)

it is muy difícil for others to understand me

Cuando yo entender un poco de Español, Inglés, Francés, Chinesca y Chinesco, Alemana y Alemano y Alemania

I’ve been to Russia (just the airport on my way to Beijing)

It was the most exciting experience of my life (that’s a massive exaggeration).

Because for the first time I couldn’t read any signs in the airport (except a few).

I didn’t speak or read Chinese 中文 at that point yet (this was back in 2019).

And all the signs were in яшертыуиопэасдфг

And I didn’t understand how to make the sounds of the letters (yet)

I still don’t speak more than a sentence of Russian, but I know the most important sentence in my book:

Priviet kochdillah, ya hatchu tanzevat?

Try saying that to a good looking Russian person and see what happens.

(Don’t worry it’s nothing inappropriate… I hope. Like I said, I don’t read or speak Russian yet… but one of my teenage students in New Orleans taught me that one sentence)

If any of my New Orleans students are reading this - please reach out to me and come over for breakfast cars with my family! You were my family there and I’d love for you to meet my actual daughter.

My first kiss was a Ukrainian boy.

We were in middle school and I thought he was cute

But he was a 7th grade playboy

We were having an all-girls slumber party at one of our friend’s houses, but

He came over for dinner (with the girl’s parents consent, of course)

After dinner we went to the basement to play a game

And it was spin the bottle

And he kissed nearly every girl in the room

And then he

“Asked out” the one girl he didn’t kiss

And I remember being so confused

But now it makes sense 😎

[side note I would still like to learn traditional characters and also Japanese. Good thing I just made friends with my new Japanese neighbor who also has 4 dogs and wears cool clothes and also is visiting a new country for the first time in her life.]

Sorry, that’s just how my brain works

That’s why I need to take notes on life

And why I’ma poet

A multilingual multidimensional 酱紫 jellyfisch creature here to help you

Learn how

To be happy


writing and writing


every post is a draft